
A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. For you robots out there is an XML version available for digesting as well.


About me


Regular expressions for replication

9 minute read


As part of the publication process for my recent article on how states preempt separatist conflict, I needed to submit replication materials to the journal. I took my graduate quantitative methods sequence with the late Tom Carsey, so I’ve long been a proponent replicability efforts in social science. I also had an hourly job in grad school replicating quantitative results for multiple political science journals, so I’m very familiar with best practices for replication. Unfortunately, in the four years since I wrote the first line of code for this project, somewhere in between defending my dissertation and starting a new job (ok, fine, almost immediately after writing that first line of code), I got a little lazy.

Faceted maps in R

19 minute read


I recently needed to create a choropleth of a few different countries for a project on targeting of UN peacekeepers by non-state armed actors I’m working on. A choropleth is a type of thematic map where data are aggregated up from smaller areas (or discrete points) to larger ones and then visualized using different colors to represent different numeric values.

Finding Backcountry Campsites with CalTopo, OpenStreetMap, and R

32 minute read


Like many people, I’ve been spending more time outdoors during this pandemic. While this means daily walks in my neighborhood, it also means getting out into the wilderness and sleeping in a tent when I can. Although outdoor recreation is one of the safer ways to entertain yourself these days, it’s not without its own concerns. The difficulty of safely getting to trailheads means that while I’m backpacking more than usual, it’s still not as often as I’d like.

R Markdown, Jekyll, and Footnotes

8 minute read


I use jekyll to create my website. Jekyll converts Markdown files into the HTML that your browser renders into the pages you see. As others and I have written before, it’s pretty easy to use R Markdown to generate pages with R code and output all together. One thing has consistently eluded me, however: footnotes.

Working with Large Spatial Data in R

22 minute read


In my research I frequently work with large datasets. Sometimes that means datasets that cover the entire globe, and other times it means working with lots of micro-level event data. Usually, my computer is powerful enough to load and manipulate all of the data in R without issue. When my computer’s fallen short of the task at hand, my solution has often been to throw it at a high performance computing cluster. However, I finally ran into a situation where the data proved too large even for that approach.

Jekyll and HTML Widgets

9 minute read


I’m currently compiling a list of university-affiliated programs designed to help prepare students for graduate study in political science and assist them in the process of applying to graduate school (a labyrinthine and opaque process in many regards). Since travel costs can be a deciding factor for some students when deciding whether to apply to these programs, I thought it would be nice to also put them on a map.

Extracting UN Peacekeeping Data from PDF Files

18 minute read


Some coauthors and I recently published a piece in the Monkey Cage on the recent military coup in Mali and the overthrow of president Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta. We examine what the ouster of Keïta means for the future of MINUSMA, the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Mali. One of my contributions that didn’t make the final cut was this plot of casualties to date among UN peacekeepers in the so-called big 5 peacekeeping missions .

Adding Content to an Academic Website

12 minute read


One thing I haven’t covered in my previous posts on creating and customizing an academic website is how to actually add content to your site. You know, the stuff that’s the reason why people go to your website in the first place? If you’ve followed those guides, your website should be professional looking and already feeling a little bit different from the stock template. However, adding new pages or tweaking the existing pages can be a little intimidating, and I realized I should probably walk through how to do so. Luckily Jekyll’s use of Markdown makes it really easy to add new content!

Customizing an Academic Website

10 minute read


This is a followup to my previous post on creating an academic website. If you’ve followed that guide, you should have a website that’s professional-looking and informative, but it’s probably lacking something to really make it feel like your own. There are an infinite number of ways you could customize the academicpages template (many of them far, far beyond my abilities) but I’m going to walk you through the process I used to start tweaking my website. The goal here isn’t to tell you how you should personalize your website, but to give you the tools to learn how to implement whatever changes you want to make.

Building an Academic Website

29 minute read


If you’re an academic, you need a website. Obviously I agree with this since you’re reading this on my website, but if you don’t have one, you should get one. Most universities these days provide a free option, usually powered by WordPress (both WashU and UNC use WordPress for their respective offerings). While these sites are quick to set up and come with the prestige of a .edu URL, they have several drawbacks that have been extensively written on.

Visualizing Police Militarization

5 minute read


Much has been written lately about the increasing militarization of US law enforcement. One of the most visible indicators of this shift in recent decades is the increased frequency of tactical gear and equipment worn and carried by police officers. However, this pales in comparison to images of police departments bringing armored vehicles to peaceful protests.

Counting Words in a Snap

3 minute read


14 pt periods. 1.05” margins. 2.1 spaced lines. Times Newer Roman. I’ve seen them all, and I’m tired of trying to catch them. So, I’ve stopped assigning papers in terms of page length and switched to word counts. Unfortunately, counting words is more time-intensive than counting pages.

Better Beamer Presentations the Easy Way

9 minute read


Everyone knows that Beamer makes frankly terrible presentations without a good deal of help. A well crafted Beamer presentation can be a thing of beauty, especially since you can use knitr or R Markdown to automatically generate tables and figures, but it takes a lot of work.

Checking Progress with Bash

8 minute read


I’m currently cleaning and wrangling a large (> 2 billion observations) dataset. Due to its size, I’m running code in batch mode on a remote cluster. Not running interactively makes it harder for me to check on my code’s progress.

Fancy Icons and LaTeX Quirks

2 minute read


I recently updated my CV to add my ORCiD identifier to it up top among the other places to find me online. An ORCiD is an online identifier that persists through any changes to your name, institution, or email address throughout your life.

Combining PDF Documents the Smarter Way

5 minute read


My previous post on combining multiple PDF files had an important caveat that things would end up in the wrong order if you had files with leading ID numbers that started at 1 and ended at 12, you’d end up with PDFs combined in the order 1, 10, 11, 12, 2, 3, …, 9.

Combining PDF Documents

3 minute read


How many times have you found that your institution has access to a digital version of a book you need only to discover that it comes in 15 different PDF files?


ScatterMIMO: Enabling virtual MIMO with smart surfaces

M Dunna, C Zhang, D Sievenpiper, D Bharadia
ACM Mobicom 2020 -- Acceptance rate 16% (62 papers accepted out of 384 submitted)

55 cites:\&hl=en\&cites=9406824394284923402

A low-power backscatter modulation system communicating across tens of meters with standards-compliant wi-fi transceivers

PHP Wang, C Zhang, H Yang, M Dunna, D Bharadia, PP Mercier,
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC 2020)

7 cites:\&hl=en\&cites=11843764222899462876

Towards a wireless force sensor based on wave backscattering for medical applications

C Girerd, Q Zhang, A Gupta, M Dunna, D Bharadia, TK Morimoto
IEEE Sensors Journal

4 cites:

SyncScatter: Enabling WiFi like synchronization and range for WiFi backscatter Communication.

M Dunna, M Meng, PH Wang, C Zhang, PP Mercier, D Bharadia
NSDI 2021 (Acceptance rate 15% -- 40 papers accepted out of 255 submitted)

14 cites:

Improving the Range of WiFi Backscatter Via a Passive Retro-Reflective Single-Side-Band-Modulating MIMO Array and Non-Absorbing Termination

M Meng, M Dunna, H Yu, S Kuo, PHP Wang, D Bharadia, PP Mercier
International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSSC 2021)

1 cite:

WiForce: Wireless Sensing and Localization of Contact Forces on a Space Continuum.

A Gupta, C Girerd, M Dunna, Q Zhang, R Subbaraman, T Morimoto, D Bharadia
NSDI 2021 (Acceptance rate 15% -- 40 papers accepted out of 255 submitted)

1 cite:

A WiFi and Bluetooth Backscattering Combo Chip Featuring Beam Steering via a Fully-Reflective Phased-Controlled Multi-Antenna Termination Technique Enabling Operation Over 56 Meters

M Dunna*, S Kuo*, D Bharadia, PP Mercier
International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSSC 2022)

1 cite:




ECE 157A

Undergraduate course, UC San Diego, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Winter, 2020

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.

ECE 257B

Workshop, UC San Diego, Electrical and Computer Engineering, winter, 2020

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.

ECE 101

Undergraduate course, UC San Diego, Electrical and Computer Engineering, spring, 2020

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.

ECE 157B

Undergraduate course, UC San Diego, Electrical and Computer Engineering, spring, 2020

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.